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src/module/parametre [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]


  Module parametre


  use parametre


  This module is used to pass some variables used by many functions of 
  the GOLEM program. Note that these variables can be rewritten.
  It contains also a routine to print the parameters (it prints on unit 6)


  It exports the variables:
  * tolerance -- a real (type ki), the tolerance for the numerical integration
  * lambda_par -- a real (type ki), a parameter of the contour deformation
  * alpha_par -- a real (type ki), a parameter of the contour deformation
  * beta_par -- a real (type ki), a parameter of the contour deformation
  * coupure_3p2m -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for two mass three point functions
  * coupure_3p3m -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for three mass three point functions
  * coupure_4p1m -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for one mass four point functions
  * coupure_4p2m_opp -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for two mass opposite four point functions
  * coupure_4p2m_adj -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for two mass adjacent four point functions
  * coupure_4p3m -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for three mass four point functions
  * coupure_4p4m -- a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for four mass four point functions (not active)
  * coupure_3p2m_1mi --  a real (type ki), a cut between numerical and analytical 
                    computation for one internal mass two external mass three point functions
  * rat_or_tot_par -- a character (len=3)
  * rmass_or_cmass_par -- a character (len=5)
  * if_print_info_par -- a logical, if true it prints some informations concerning the numerical
  * if_print_warn_par -- a logical, if true it prints some informations concerning the warning 
                    about numerical precision
  * accuracy_par -- the accuracy for the matrix inversion and the numerical integration
  * not_enough_accuracy_par -- a flag to ring the bell if the accuracy is not reached in
                               in the matrix inversion and the numerical integration
  * mu2_scale_par -- the square of the renormalisation scale
  * subroutine print_parameter -- to print these variables
  * withlt  -- flag to use LoopTools instead of avh_olo for finite D0,C0 


  * precision_golem (src/module/precision_golem.f90)

src/module/print_parameter [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]


  Subroutine print_parameter


  call print_parameter()


  This routine print the variables defined in the module parametre


  No inputs


  No side effect


  It prints on the unit 6