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src/module/constante [ Modules ]

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  Module constante


  use constante


  This module is used to get the values of different constants


  This module exports 13 parameters
  * pi -- a real (type ki), pi
  * gammae -- a real (type ki), the Euler constant
  * i_ -- a complex (type ki), the square root of -1
  * pi3 -- a real (type ki), pi**2/3
  * pi6 -- a real (type ki), pi**2/6
  * pi12 -- a real (type ki), pi**2/12
  * un -- a real (type ki), 1
  * zero -- a real (type ki), 0
  * czero -- a complex (type ki), (0,0)
  * cun -- a complex (type ki), (1,0)
  * b_null -- an integer 0
  * s_null -- an array with shape 0
  * nullarray -- the same as s_null !!!!!!


  * precision_golem (src/module/precision_golem.f90)