src/integral/three_point/function_3p2m_1mi [ Modules ]
Module function_3p2m_1mi
use function_3p2m_1mi
This module is used to compute the two off-shell external leg one internal mass three point function with/without Feynman parameters in n, n+2 dimensions
This module exports two functions: * f3p2m_1mi -- a function for the computation of the two off-shell external leg one internal mass three point function with/without Feynman parameters in n dimensions * f3p2m_1mi_np2 -- a function for the computation of the two off-shell external leg one internal mass three point function with/without Feynman parameters in n+2 dimensions
* precision (src/module/precision_golem.f90) * logarithme (src/module/z_log.f90) * dilogarithme (src/module/zdilog.f90) * func_he (src/integrals/three_point/mod_he.f90) * func_hf (src/integrals/three_point/mod_hf.f90) * sortie_erreur (src/module/sortie_erreur.f90) only : tab_erreur_par,catch_exception,origine_info_par,num_grand_b_info_par,denom_grand_b_info_par * constante (src/module/constante.f90) only : i_,un * parametre (src/module/parametre.f90) only : coupure_3p2m_1mi,rat_or_tot_par,tolerance,alpha_par,beta_par,lambda_par,mu2_scale_par * array (src/module/array.f90) only : packb * numerical_evaluation (src/numerical/mod_numeric.f90) only : generic_eval_numer
src/integral/three_point/function_3p2m_1mi/f3p2m_1mi [ Functions ]
Function f3p2m_1mi
real_dim6 = f3p2m_1mi(s23,s13,m3_sq,par1,par2,par3)
This function computes the two off-shell external leg one internal mass three point function in n dimensions with up to three Feynman parameters in the numerator. It retuns an array of 6 reals corresponding to the real/imaginary part of the coefficient of the 1/epsilon^2 term, real/imaginary part of the coefficient of the 1/epsilon term and the real/imaginary part of the constant term.
* s23 -- real/complex (type ki), the value of the S matrix element corresponding to the first external off-shell leg * s13 -- real/complex (type ki), the value of the S matrix element corresponding to the second external off-shell leg * m3_sq -- real/complex (type ki), the value of the internal mass squared * par1 -- an integer, the label of the third Feynman parameter * par2 -- an integer, the label of the second Feynman parameter * par3 -- an integer, the label of the first Feynman parameter Note that par1,par2 and par3 are supposed to be ordered, i.e. par1 <= par2 <= par3, note also that put zero for par1, par2 or par3 if this Feynman parameter does not exist. Use the routine tri_int(t_in,t_out) to order the labels in the module tri_croissant (src/module/tri.f90)
No side effect
An real (type ki) array of rank 1 and shape 6 corresponding to the real/imaginary part of the coefficient of the 1/epsilon^2 term, real/imaginary part of the coefficient of the 1/epsilon term and the real/imaginary part of the constant term.
src/integral/three_point/function_3p2m_1mi/f3p2m_1mi_np2 [ Functions ]
Function f3p2m_1mi_np2
real_dim4 = f3p2m_1mi_np2(s23,s13,m3_sq,par1,par2,par3)
This function computes the two off-shell external leg one internal mass three point function in n+2 dimensions with up to three Feynman parameters in the numerator. It retuns an array of 4 reals corresponding to the real/imaginary part of the coefficient of the 1/epsilon term and the real/imaginary part of the constant term.
* s23 -- real/complex (type ki), the value of the S matrix element corresponding to the first external off-shell leg * s13 -- real/complex (type ki), the value of the S matrix element corresponding to the second external off-shell leg * m3_sq -- real/complex (type ki), the value of the internal mass squared * par1 -- an integer, the label of the third Feynman parameter * par2 -- an integer, the label of the second Feynman parameter * par3 -- an integer, the label of the first Feynman parameter Note that par1,par2 and par3 are supposed to be ordered, i.e. par1 <= par2 <= par3, note also that put zero for par1, par2 or par3 if this Feynman parameter does not exist. Use the routine tri_int(t_in,t_out) to order the labels in the module tri_croissant (src/module/tri.f90)
No side effect
An real (type ki) array of rank 1 and shape 4 corresponding to the real/imaginary part of the coefficient of the 1/epsilon term and the real/imaginary part of the constant term. If par1 and/or par2 are different from zero, an error is returned.